Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years 2012

Wilbur and Friends...! Not sure which one of these was the lucky winner. They all look so tasty!

Wendell picked a good one, Thanks Wendell!

getting the coals ready for 12 + hours of cooking

making sure the coals are hot!

real life. raw. unfiltered. enjoy it


the groms helped out too...

hot lava rock insertion

more grom assistance

the tie

the wrap

the laydown

the covering

the alter

the next day

the uncovering

video of the uncovering

looking and smelling good

more video

happy time

luao feast

the chowdown

and the afterparty

and the misc other desert stuff...


  1. Thanks for posting these Norman!! Somehow I missed the chow down and the after party : )

  2. more importantly, you missed "the Reggie incident" !!!


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